About Soaring Wings 

Andrea Tellison | Personal Ministry


Affectionally known as Ms. T.

A native Houstonian grew up in Bethel Baptist Church in Southeast Houston. Born into and Christian family she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior at age 12, being water baptized as an outward sign of her inward commitment. As a lover of worship, she joined the youth choir and under the stewardship of her beloved parents and grandparents she became active in service assisting her grandmother who over saw the missions’ ministries. Cultivating an intimate relationship with our Lord at an early age, she began developing a prayer life because of her visits to the sick and shut in, as well learning assisting her grandmother in hosting women’s and children’s auxiliary’s.

As a teen many painful unforeseen circumstances led Andrea into some poor choices, these choices rooted in disappointment, rebellion and disillusionment with unanswered prayers and religion led down some dark paths that she admits was her own pigs pen experience (Luke 15:11-32).  Contemplating destruction she came to herself and cried out to God praying, " If You are really who I’ve been taught that You are please help me or let me come to be with You! I’m tired."

Answering her desperate cry at age 26, the Lord begin leading her into a journey of discovery, faith, and revelation. Unbeknownst to her healing and delivering her along the way,  He prepared her in intimacy to reveal her purpose and destiny. Rededicating her life to the Lord in a Church service held by the late John Olsten she received her initial encounter with the Holy Spirit, going on to attend Christian Hope Missionary Baptist Church for several years where her aunt held the position of Church secretary for many years. She eventually joined and became a member of New Christian Center Church over Pastor’s IV and Bridget Hilliard where she would be raised in the faith movement for 15 years. Raising her 6 children she has said her children as well as her mother's need for someone to care for them were her motivation to get up from the pit of despair. Decreeing if God would teach her to be the best mother and daughter she could be and He Father them all she could make it. 

In 2005, Andrea had a second encounter with the person Holy Spirit where she received the gift of tongues rendering her unable to speak in her native language (English) for over 12 hours. Now deepening her intimacy with our Lord, He began leading her in intercessory prayer. Experiencing several healings of people, she prayed for including her own father some healed instantly her father gradually, all the while following our Shepard Psalms 23 being her grandmothers favorite Psalm.

In 2011 Andrea received her third encounter with Holy Spirit where she was called into deliverance ministry, accepting the call, the Holy Spirit spent a year with her and her family training her in the seer gifts, being transported in the spirit as well as many revelations into the spirit realm. She has been transported into both Heaven and Hell, equipping her to lead others out of the captivity. She has experienced and observed many years of working as a counselor, as well as sharing her testimony with hurting, broken people. After her year of Holy Spirit training and healing, she was led to receive personal ministry herself under one of many. Laurie Davis founder of Ask God Ministries in La Porte, Texas and her team ministering along

side the Lord brought Andrea into yet a deeper experience and clarity of heart healing and the ministry the Lord has called her to.

She went on to attend Hilliard Vocational Bible Institute for a year, when the Lord instructed her to attend BSSM satellite located in Sugar Land, Tx. Now under the Pastoral leadership of Buck and Anna Eaton, having received many impartations from Father Heart Ministries, Restoring the Foundation Ministries, Catch the Fire Ministries and others.  Andrea has just completed a unique assignment inside of the mountain of the Federal Justice System. Now beginning her public ministry equipped with all our father, has entrusted her with, she comes forth decreeing Repent! For The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.


Soaring Wings Prophetic Ministries was established by instruction from Holy Spirit Himself to set captives free. This being the foundation stone in which this ministry is built upon, Heart healing in the format of personal ministry is the pathway to freedom the Lord has trained and equipped us to minister. Because of the individual perplexities of life’s journey coupled with the unique ways in which we are wounded, we’ve found personal ministry to be the most honorable, effective way to lead others into restoration. Confidentiality along with safety or priority, we carry out this branch of ministry by several methods. Either in person or by way of zoom to ensure privacy, if you or someone you may know have been plagued personally are generationally by unresolved patterns of pain, brokenness or loss. Thankfully there is a remedy provided by the Trinity at Calvary, through the finished work of the Cross to set us free from all that affects us. Many of the mental, physical and emotional barriers that hinder us from living in the freedom that Christ has provided for us or spiritual in nature, therefore requiring a spiritual solution. There is a contact page available on our site to request this type of ministry, someone will contact you to schedule and prepare or you may contact us at the phone number provided on the site. We look forward to participating in our Lords purpose, plan and destiny for your life.



Is a spirit filled evangelistic ministry that exists to expand the kingdom of Heaven in the earth.

To lead in healing, training and equipping the Bride of Christ into the glorious freedom of our true identities the sons of God.


To establish embassies

To provide personal ministry, heart healing

To train and equip disciples sending them out

To provide spiritual covering by way of intercessory prayer

Partner with other ministries in unity revealing Jesus Christ

Revealing our father’s love

Creating a refuge to Glorify our Father in Heaven

Revealing the realties of Heaven and Hell

Salvation and Baptism in the Holy Spirit


The foundation of Soaring Wings Prophetic Ministries or its core values, to reveal our Father’s heart He who so loves the world He gave His only begotten Son.


Souls His Children our highest value





Peace, Prayer

Faith and Freedom

Relationship with Christ and others